Opravljene ture

Datum Ime smeri (ali poimenovanje ture) Vrh / Objekt Gorstvo Ocena težavnosti Višina smeri Ime
29. decembra, 1991 Normalni pristop Skuta Kamniške Alpe PD 1600 There are no views with that ID
29. decembra, 1991 Žleb med Velikim in Malim Grintovcem Grintovec Kamniške Alpe 40° 100 There are no views with that ID
26. decembra, 1991 Normalni pristop Grintovec Kamniške Alpe F 1660 There are no views with that ID
17. decembra, 1991 Normalni pristop Skuta Kamniške Alpe PD 1600 There are no views with that ID
17. decembra, 1991 Žleb med Velikim in Malim Grintovcem Grintovec Kamniške Alpe 40° 100 There are no views with that ID
16. decembra, 1991 Normalni pristop Grintovec Kamniške Alpe F 1660 There are no views with that ID
14. decembra, 1991 Normalni pristop Veliki vrh v Košuti Karavanke F 600 There are no views with that ID
14. decembra, 1991 Po grebenu z Velikega vrha Kladivo Karavanke F+ 150 There are no views with that ID
30. novembra, 1991 Turni smuk Viševnik JA 2050 There are no views with that ID
23. avgusta, 1991 Normalni pristop po SZ grabenu Ortler Alpe, Ortlerjeva skupina PD, II 2060 There are no views with that ID
17. avgusta, 1991 Fritsch-Lindenbach Dolška škrbina Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe 3+/2-3 400 There are no views with that ID
2. junija, 1991 Dragmanov smjer Klek Dinarsko gorje 5,A1/4 120 There are no views with that ID
2. junija, 1991 Traverza vrijeskove ploèice u obratnom smjeru Klek Dinarsko gorje 3,Ao/2 100 There are no views with that ID
1. junija, 1991 List Klek Dinarsko gorje 4+ 100 There are no views with that ID
1. junija, 1991 Smjer za gitaru Klek Dinarsko gorje 5-/3+ 80 There are no views with that ID
1. junija, 1991 Vrijeskova ploèica Klek Dinarsko gorje 4+,A1/Ao,3 60 There are no views with that ID
16. aprila, 1991 Normalni pristop Planjava Kamniške Alpe PD 1500 There are no views with that ID
16. aprila, 1991 Normalni pristop Brana Kamniške Alpe PD 450 There are no views with that ID
10. aprila, 1991 Normalni pristop Grintovec Kamniške Alpe F 1660 There are no views with that ID
15. marca, 1991 Normalni pristop Grintovec Kamniške Alpe F 1660 There are no views with that ID
3. februarja, 1991 Normalni pristop Stol Karavanke F 1100 There are no views with that ID
30. januarja, 1991 Normalni pristop Skuta Kamniške Alpe PD 1600 There are no views with that ID
19. januarja, 1991 Normalni pristop Veliki vrh v Košuti Karavanke F 600 There are no views with that ID
18. januarja, 1991 Normalni pristop Grintovec Kamniške Alpe F 1660 There are no views with that ID
6. januarja, 1991 GSS vježba Kuk od Skradelin Paklenica 5-/4+ 100 There are no views with that ID
5. januarja, 1991 Kanjonski Veliki æuk Paklenica 4/3+ 300 There are no views with that ID
5. januarja, 1991 Absajl pista Aniæa kuk Paklenica 4+ 80 There are no views with that ID
4. januarja, 1991 JZ brid Comiccijev toranj Vranjska Draga 4+ 50 There are no views with that ID
3. januarja, 1991 Medo-Rugone Osp Dinarsko gorje 3+,Ao 150 There are no views with that ID
24. decembra, 1990 Normalni pristop Grintovec Kamniške Alpe F 1660 There are no views with that ID
2. decembra, 1990 Kukušni Mali æuk Paklenica 3+ 150 There are no views with that ID
2. decembra, 1990 Kaminski smjer Mali æuk Paklenica 3+ 150 There are no views with that ID
1. decembra, 1990 Rampa kamin Mali æuk Paklenica 3+ 150 There are no views with that ID
11. novembra, 1990 Kleèke vještice Klek Dinarsko gorje A1,4+ 60 There are no views with that ID
10. novembra, 1990 H.P.D. Klek Dinarsko gorje 4+,Ao/3 150 There are no views with that ID
13. oktobra, 1990 H.P.D. Klek Dinarsko gorje 4+,Ao/3 150 There are no views with that ID
13. oktobra, 1990 Smjer za gitaru Klek Dinarsko gorje 5-/3+ 80 There are no views with that ID
13. oktobra, 1990 Traverza vrijeskove ploèice u obratnom smjeru Klek Dinarsko gorje 3,Ao/2 100 There are no views with that ID
23. avgusta, 1990 Slovenska smer èez kamine Triglav Julijske Alpe 4+,Ao/2-3 250 There are no views with that ID
2. maja, 1990 Kukušni Mali æuk Paklenica 3+ 150 There are no views with that ID
1. maja, 1990 Rampa kamin Mali æuk Paklenica 3+ 150 There are no views with that ID
30. aprila, 1990 Centralni kamin Veliki æuk Paklenica 4+,Ao/4- 250 There are no views with that ID
29. aprila, 1990 Kaminski smjer Mali æuk Paklenica 3+ 150 There are no views with that ID
29. aprila, 1990 Kukušni Mali æuk Paklenica 3+ 150 There are no views with that ID
28. aprila, 1990 Rampa kamin Mali æuk Paklenica 3+ 150 There are no views with that ID
21. marca, 1990 Jalovèev ozebnik Jalovec Julijske Alpe PD 1465 There are no views with that ID
6. marca, 1990 Normalni pristop Storžec Kamniške Alpe PD 750 There are no views with that ID
4. marca, 1990 H.P.D. Klek Dinarsko gorje 4+,Ao/3 150 There are no views with that ID
4. marca, 1990 Smjer za Gitaru Klek Dinarsko gorje 5-/3+ 80 There are no views with that ID
25. februarja, 1990 Omladinski smjer-Akaèeva varijanta Klek Dinarsko gorje 5,A1/4 120 There are no views with that ID